About the Upper School

About the Upper School

Students move to the Clarendon site in Year 10 to study for their GCSE’s.  Single sex teaching continues for their core subjects; English, Maths, Science, core language and games with option subjects being taught in a mixed environment.  This enables us to offer a good variety of GCSE subjects to our students.

The Clarendon site offers a small ‘family’ environment with high expectations for our Year 10 and 11 students to reach their full potential, obtaining good grades to set them up for a successful future. Respect and good manners are valued as we help our students develop into mature young adults.


Pastoral Structure

Upper School has a very experienced pastoral team.

All students see their form tutor every day. This offers students a first port of call for any issues that they are experiencing. Form groups are separated into boys and girls with students remaining in the same house as they were in Lower School. Heads of House are:

Heads of House are available at certain times during the day. These times are displayed outside their offices and on house noticeboards, together with current House news and upcoming events.

The pastoral team is headed by Mrs L Clements, Senior Tutor - lclements@ccgrammarschool.co.uk, and Mr Richford oversees the pastoral care for years 7-11.

Above the Senior Tutor, Mrs K Parkins – Deputy Headteacher manages the Upper School.

Our House system encourages student participation in a number of areas such as drama, music, debating and sports, as well as charity fundraising. Healthy competition between Houses sees termly rewards not only for inter-House events but also for good attendance and punctuality, which are crucial requirements in everyday life.

We like our students to aspire to reach their goals and look to encourage them through their very important years with us.

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