Careers Entitlement

Careers Entitlement Policy

Unifrog Careers Website Description



‘Is It Worth It?’  Life Skills and awareness of Social Media

Theatre production for Road Safety awareness

GFI 1:1interviews for selected PP students

Departmental display signposting Career pathways and alumnus routes

Activities Week



Mathematics team challenge

GFI 1:1 interviews for selected PP students

Unifrog Complete Destinations Platform

Departmental display signposting Career pathways and alumnus routes

‘Is It Worth It?’ Life skill awareness on social media

Activities Week



Computer Science Cup

Mathematics Code Cracking Day

Unifrog Complete Destinations Platform

‘Is It Worth It?’ Life skills awareness on social media

GFI 1:1 individual interviews for selected PP students

GCSE options assembly

GCSE Options Fair for parents and students

SMT option screening

PSHE option support

On-line ‘How to choose’ option advice

Activities week

3 Transition days to Upper School



Availability of Resources Centre and staff (permanent provision)

Work Experience preparation assembly

Unifrog Complete Destinations Platform

Maths Disney trip

GFI 1:1 individual interviews for selected PP students

1:1 Setting and progressing interview with Careers & Guidance Manager

Visit to St Hugh’s Oxford & Queens’ Cambridge for selected students

Support for contacting work experience placements

Work experience Health and Safety talk

Work experience week

Careers Focus Day



1:1 progression meeting with Guidance & Careers Manager

Availability of Resource Centre with permanent member of staff

Unifrog Complete Destinations Platform

Post 16 events- apprenticeships & College pathways

KCC Careers Fair Local event

Individual 1:1 interview for selected students (PP)

K4U Assembly & follow-up support

Support for personal statement writing

CCVI progression Assembly

Revision programme meeting with SMT

SMT interview with students who are not performing to their potential

NEET link person & attendance at participation meetings

CCVI Introduction Week


Y12 & Y13

Computer Science Google HQ Careers talk, tour & expertise

Unifrog Complete Destinations Platform

Politics & History Conference to Brussels

Y12 survey & interview preparations

Rolling programme of guest speakers

Guidance & Careers Manager attends early Y12 assemblies

GF1 interview for students who receive bursary and ex PP from Y11

Awareness of Taster Days & Summer School through assemblies & direct emails

National Citizen Service

HE Focus Day One- With evening parents meeting (March)

HE Focus Day Two (July)

Oxbridge meeting

Individual 1:1 intention interview for the whole year group


CCCU visit (PE/Sport) to sport science laboratories

Umpiring & coaching fees met for selected students

Assembly on Enrichment and expectation

Wednesday afternoon volunteering opportunities (not limited to Wednesday afternoon –flexible approach)

Head Start, Pilgrims Hospice, charity shops, local Primary & Junior Schools, Macmillan Crossroads training (eg. Manual Handling& dementia awareness)

 Bean Stalk project- reading in Primary Schools & Ageless Thanet

Access to Resources Centre with a permanent member of staff

Advice on apprenticeships trends & opportunities

Visits to 3 University Open Days accompanied by the Guidance & Careers Manager

Guidance & Careers Manager attends University Advisers’ Conferences

Personal Statement surgeries & screening