
KS3 Curriculum Plan
  Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5
Year 7

Introduce the UK 

Weather and Climate in the UK  The People of the UK  Physical Landscapes in the UK - Rivers  Work, rest and play in the UK 
Year 8

Our Living World 

Our Unequal World  Global Issues  Focus on Africa  Physical landscapes – Coasts
Year 9

Investigating Tourism 

Plate Tectonics 

Resource Management  Development  Physical Landscapes - Glaciers 

Year 9 do not start GCSE geography (this happens with option choices in Year 10) but Year 9 geography lessons do prepare students for GCSE and enable them to make informed choices about wanting to continue with the subject. 


KS4 Curriculum Plan


  Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
Year 10

The Challenge of Natural Hazards.

Issue Evaluations

Urban issues and Challenges.

Issue Evaluations.

UK Physical Landscapes.

Fieldwork Residential

Summer exam

Year  11

Living World.

Mock exams.

Issue evaluation

Changing Economic World. Resource Management.


Study leave.

Actual GCSE Examinations.


KS5 Curriculum Plan 

(Varies depending on number of staff involved with a cohort)

  Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
Year 12 Changing Places Coastal Systems and Landscapes

Water and Carbon Cycle

Summer exam

Year 13 Natural Hazards


Actual A-level exams

Global Systems and Governance
Fieldwork and NEA write up
Water and the Carbon cycle (finish from year 12)