
The department’s consistent GCSE and A-Level results support the impact that PE has on students at CCGS. This begins in Year 7 with all students being taught at all times by highly qualified, enthusiastic and specialist PE staff and is assisted by the curriculum provision at both KS3 and KS4. Our participation rates are incredibly high, it is unusual for a performer to not be taking part actively unless injury prevents term doing so, the ethos being that students still take part in other roles in these circumstances.

A-level results have been consistently significantly above National averages grades for the last 10 years at the school. Both the PE GCSE and A-Level results are above the school average in all subjects. This is further supported by the large number of students involved in the PE department’s extra-curricular provision with over half the students at the school involved in School Sport at some level. 

The department enter a broad and varied list of sporting competition at District, County and National level with the school experiencing regular success at all levels. We have had many past students go on to compete at national level in various sports and we are proud of our sporting achievements. The range of activities offered goes beyond that of the local district to support the breadth of talented performers at the school.

PE is highly inclusive at CCGS and impact can also be further measured in feedback from pupils at School Council meetings which supports that students value and enjoy Physical Education lessons at CCGS. Pupils are consistently taught the skills and knowledge to enjoy and succeed in Physical Education and this can be consistently seen in the delivery of all lessons throughout the department. The impact of both the PE curriculum and its extra-curricular provision at CCGS engenders high engagement in all lessons, develops significant progress across the Key Stages and enthuses high participation levels through the schools rich diet of extra-curricular provision, with staff outside of the department becoming increasingly eager to contribute. All of this ensures that we have done all in our power to ensure that students have a lifelong involvement in Physical activity to lead a Healthy, active lifestyle post 16.