Helping our Environment at CCGS

08 Dec 23
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On Wednesday November 29th 2023 a group of students and staff gave up their break time to help plant 30 tree saplings within the school grounds at the Chatham House lower school site.

The school’s Technology Technician, Mr Joe Spain, has been liaising with the Woodland Trust over recent weeks with the view to obtaining a variety of trees; the arrival of 30 trees (10 Wild Cherry; 10 Silver Birch and 10 Rowan) was gratefully received.
We are pleased to announce that when the call went out for volunteers to help plant them, we were inundated with offers – over 40 students said they would like to help!
Names were put into the hat and six students from years 7, 8 and 9 were chosen at random: Jack 7KHb; Annabelle 7MSg; Tom 8TSb; Sophia 8RPg; Rachael 9MSg and Ebony-star 9TSg together with two 6th form students, Melissa and Iman.
The students really enjoyed working together – Jack even sent an email after stating he really enjoyed taking part in the activity.
We are hoping to plant many more trees in the New Year.